donderdag 14 juli 2011

Air inflatable smoking lion

This inflatable we dilivered april 2011 to the client
Not on the picture 2000 wat elumination
Lion can bow and twist his tail
Made for a show in Spain and Canada
Location beach scheveningen boemerang bar

Air inflatable seal

This three-dimensional air-inflatable seal was situated for three weeks under the control of the Incredible Balloons on a square in The Hague located at the entrance to the courtyard of the Dutch parliament, the power came from the car park of the courtyard, the only problem was that the plug was pulled out a few times.
Demonstration against the slaughter 320,000 seals on 23 March 2005, Square the Hague the Netherlands.
Seal 12 meters.
Production time 11 days, 3 days transport by TNT, price Euro 3950, - (dollar 01/06/2010) Berlin, October 20, 2006. Last night the German government unanimously supported legislation that prohibits the import of seal products. With a large inflatable seal for the Brandenburg Gate celebrated animal rights victory. Politicians from all major parties were present for their sympathy for this initiative.

Air inflatable cow

Inflatable Animals are absolutely our specialty, this inflatable cow we produced for an information center for artificial insemination the public thought the cow was so real that we received a lot of compliments, one of the farmers even wanted to milk her. In this production our design department spend days with the correct shape of the spine and the hind legs together with the client as a farmer has more knowledge from it as our urban people. The airbrushing of the head of the cow was very sensitive to the experts, the head itself we recreated seven times, it all seems very easy, but in this 3 D class you have to know exactly what you're doing.
This cow is also produced for Greenpeace.

See more on our You Tube Channel incredibleballoons, inflatable animals.

Purchase price inflatable cow Euro 3250, - net (Exchange rate dollar June 1, 2010)